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 Bed & Breakfast, Guest Houses

   2 Ostelli/Hotels/Bed & Breakfast, Guest Houses trovati in Cuneo

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  Agriturismo La Ca' D'Olga
Bed and breakfast
via caminali n.46 Fraz. Rivalta -La Morra
The “La Ca’d’Olga” tourist farmhouse is located six kilometres from Alba, famed for its fine wines and three kilometres from Pollenzo, famed for its Roman amphitheatre and its medieval quarter, on a winding road which borders on a host of green fields, hazel-nut woods and vi ...

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 Stanza privata a partire da 40,00 EURO
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  Royal Superga Hotel
Hotel ***
Via Pascal 3
• Hotel Royal Superga is located in a very central position. The direct entry to the inside parking is on Piazza Galimberti.• The Hotel is just 600 metres far from the railway station. • The Hotel, with its 30 rooms, is a 19th century building. • Every room is free from any architectural bar ...

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