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Welcome to our Uta Bed & Breakfast. So that you have an unforgettable vacation in Sardinia andthat you feel comfortableduring your stay in our island, we have open the doors ofour house to you. In thebegining, we liked the idea of having people from all overthe world come to changeour daily routines. Then, getting to know different culturesfrom ours and to sharetheir experiences in this diverse , was finally whatmotivated us to devote all ofour energy to this project.At the first stage, subdivided from two independent rents itfinds, the Standard zonecomposed by 3 rooms, 1 double, 1 double with 3rd bed and a twin room with 1 bathroom to share between the 3 rooms, and the Superior zone composed by 1 double with 3rd bed and a twin, with private WC, Shower and Washbasin. At the ground floor itfinds the breakfasts room, served in the seen schedulesbeforehand, the office usedas a reception and our Junior Suite with private bath.Easy to reach by car, by train or by bus, 13 Km far awayfrom the airport, 18 Km fromCagliari. Few minuts by car(it depends from the traffic)from the archeological site of Nora and from thewonderfull beaches ofPula, Chia or Capo Spartivento. Overnightstay Breakfast Dinner(available only on request) Mini-cab Service Chambermaid service 2 times per week Bed-lines and pillows-slips 7days Change bath-towels 3days Indoor Laundry Car Park in private/pubblic area Daily cleaning(available only on request)
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